Privacy statement

Privacy statement

We are Workstead; a full-service staffing organization for the food and logistics industry. We attach great importance to your privacy and the protection of your (personal) data and private life. If you share this data with us, we will take good care of it in accordance with the Privacy Act, General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). In this Privacy Statement you will learn what data we use and how we store, protect and process this data.

1.1 Workstead privacy principles
Workstead does not sell your personal data to third parties. You remain in control of your data at all times. - Workstead's core of activities is matching (production) employees looking for work with production companies in the food sector.

1.2 What terms do we use in our Privacy Statement?
We use the terms "Workstead," "Employment Agency," "we," "us," "temporary worker" in reference to Workstead, whose address is: Atoomweg 478, 3542 AB Utrecht, the Netherlands, which controls and processes the data. - We use the term "User" in reference to the users, professionals, of our websites, online pages and services. - We use the terms "you," "your," "you," "your" in reference to the User reading this Privacy Statement. - We use the terms "Personal Information" / "Personal Data" in reference to personally identifiable information about you; this means information that identifies you as an individual. - We use the term "Privacy Act" in reference to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on May 24, 2016 and applies from May 25, 2018.

1.3 What information do we collect?
We may collect and process the following data about you:

1.3.1 Information you provide yourself
When you start working through Workstead, we will ask you to provide information, including information that identifies you as an individual ("personal data"). The same applies when you fill out forms on our website, such as the registration form, when you participate in one of our promotions or surveys, when you contact us by phone, e -mail or any other channel. The information you provide to us may include: Required information:
information required to subscribe to the services we offer or to access other services we provide. We ask from you, among others, name, first name, e-mail address, phone number, (possible) posi tions. All these fields are mandatory. Workstead cannot provide you with the offered services if this mandatory information is not provided. For example, if you do not provide this information, you will not be able to register. Optional Information:
Address, gender, date of birth, photo, region, level of education/training, job category, details of availability, desired employment, CV and any other documents you upload. We advise you to provide us with your profile as completely as possible, so that you can be easily found within our system and we can recruit you properly. Special and/or sensitive personal data we process
Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are under 16 years of age. Unless they have permission from parents or guardian. However, we cannot verify whether a visitor is older than 16. Therefore, we encourage parents to be involved in their children's online activities in order to avoid collecting inf ormation about children without parental consent. If you believe that we have collected personal information about a minor without such consent, please contact us at and we will delete this information. If you as a user share personal data with others in email, chat or video messages or documents through our Website or other services
Workstead is not responsible or liable for any resulting damages. Thus, you are solely responsible for what you share via Website or email or other services. This Privacy Statement is only about your personal data that Workstead processes. Our Website and dashboards may contain links to other websites
Workstead is not responsible for the content and/or privacy policies of the websites and parties to which these links refer. We therefore advise you to always read the Privacy Statement of the websites in question. Data about your activities on our

1.3.2 Information we collect automatically
Each time you visit our Website, in accordance with applicable law and where required with your consent, we may collect information about the devices you use and the networks you connect to when you use our services. This may include your IP address, login information, browser type and version, types and versions of browser plug-ins, operating system and platform, advertising identifier, information about your visit including URLs followed to, through and from our Website, services/vacancies you viewed or searched for, download errors, the length of time you visited certain pages, interaction with a page and any phone number you use to call us. Our server log files do not collect personal information. We collect this information using various technologies, including cookies. More information can be found in our Cookie Statement. We also collect globalized information about your activities on our Website (such as how many job postings you view, how often you apply, how many messages you reply to, etc).

1.4 For what purpose do we collect personal data?
Workstead processes your personal data for the following purposes: - provide you with the ability to create an account - Allowing you to take full advantage of our services, such as: - Offering Temporary Employment Agreements to capture the agreement between you and a client - Promoting your personal development and sustainable employability, including training, education and assessments. - Calling or emailing you when necessary to perform our services. For example, we use your e-mail address to send notifications to you about activities relevant to you . - Inform you of changes to our services and products - help us with complaints - Sending our newsletter and/or advertising flyer - Workstead analyzes your behavior on the websi te in order to improve the website and tailor the offer of products and services to your preferences. There may be other reasons to use or disclose personal data such as: - Do what a local or foreign court or government agency tells us to do - Disclose Personal Data to another company if we sell, assign or transfer all or part of our business or if we merge with another company.

1.5 Retention of data Workstead will not keep your personal data longer than strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which your data is collected.
This means that we keep your personal data for as long as you use our services. As soon as you no longer make use of our services, we will keep your personal data, possibly anonymized, in an archive for administrative reasons or legal regulations. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories) of personal data: Mandatory registration data (name, first name, e-mail address, phone number, (possible) positions), with your explicit consent: max 1 year retention period. Reason: use of your profile for possible future matching. Letters of application and CVs with your explicit consent: max 1 year retention period. Reason: possible future vacancies / matching. If you do not use Workstead's services for a long(er) term, you will receive an e-mail reminder that you will be removed from our database. If you do not respond, we will assume that you are no longer interested and your personal data will be deleted automatically.

1.6 Sharing data with third parties
By entrusting us with your personal data, you authorize us to process such personal data as described in this Privacy Statement. We may need to share your personal data with other persons, such as suppliers or cooperating partners. Workstead will only provide third parties and only if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. We will not disclose, sell, rent or exchange personally identifiable information to any other organization or entity except after you have been notified and we have received your express consent or as otherwise required by law.

1.7 Your rights The data we collect from you is and remains yours
You therefore have full rights. As a user, you can exercise your right to access, correct or delete your personal data at any time.

1.7.1 Access and rectification of data and right to data portability
You can see what data we keep about you. You can request a copy of your data. As part of your right to data portability, you may submit a request to us to send the personal data we hold about you in a computer file to you or another organization named by you.

1.7.2 Right to data erasure and right to object If we process your personal data on the basis of given consent, you can also withdraw your consent at any time
This withdrawal does not affect the legality of the past data processing. From the moment you withdraw your consent, we may no longer process your data. This means that you can no longer use the services of Workstead, because we cannot provide you with our services without processing the necessary elements of your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by our company. You may exercise your right to data erasure at any time, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

1.7.3 How to exercise your right to object, right to data portability and right to data erasure?
If you wish to exercise your right of objection and/or right to data portability and/or data erasure or if you have other questions/comments about the data processing, please send a specified request to To make sure that the request for inspection, data portability or deletion of your data is made by you, we ask you to send a copy of your ID along with the request. In this copy, black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip of numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy. Workstead will respond to your request as soon as possible, but in any case within four weeks. Workstead would also like to inform you that you have the possibility to file a complaint with the national regulator, the Personal Data Authority. This can be done via the following link: -met-de-autoriteit- persoonsgegevens/tip-ons/ 

1.8 How we protect personal data Workstead takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification.
Always check that the website's connection is secure. When you reach Workstead's website, there will be a next to the URL, making sure that you are using a secure connection. This means that the information you send or receive through our website is private and secure. All personal data are securely stored in Workstead's administration This database is only accessible to Workstead employees, to the extent required by their duties. If you feel that your data is still not secure or there are indications of misuse, please contact us using the information below, if you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy.

Contact details:
Workstead Vendelier 65, 3905 PD Veenendaal
088 494 0000  |